Hail Report Information |
Station Number: |
MN-AA-5 |
Station Name: |
East Bethel 3.1 NE |
Date: |
7/1/2011 6:50 PM |
Submitted |
7/07/2011 12:09 AM
Taken at registered location: |
False |
Notes: |
We were driving east along Co. Rd 24, in East Bethel, MN, about 1/2 mile east of State Highway 65, when the hail began to pelt our van. The hail stones were sparse and widely spaced. We didn't stop, and soon no more hail was falling. Sorry for the late report. |
Hailstone Information |
Largest Size: |
NA |
Average Size: |
3/8" |
Smallest Size: |
NA |
Stone Consistency: |
Hard, White Ice |
Hail Storm Information |
Duration Minutes: |
2 |
Duration Accuracy: |
3min |
Timing: |
Intermittent |
More Rain than Hail: |
True |
Hail Started: |
After rain |
Largest Hail Started: |
Same time as smaller hail |
Damage: |
no damage |
Hail pad information |
Angle of Impact: |
10-20 |
Number of Stones On Pad: |
Distance Between Stones On Pad: |
Depth Of Stones on Ground: |
Has Samples: |
False |