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Searched: Report date on 3/12/2025.
Showing 11 Records.    
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
3/12/2025  IN-MR-190 INMarion Mildly Dry Plants & Wildlife
Normally at this time of year I observe chorus frogs in an area near me.The vernal pool is only about 1/4 of it’s normal size, and thus, far fewer frogs present.  View
3/12/2025  MI-MB-87 MIMacomb Mildly Dry General Awareness
Colder today, slightly windy but no gusts, ground is dry.  View
3/12/2025  MN-CG-89 MNChisago Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
The ground is still very much frozen but there is plenty of standing water that will hopefully soak in once the ground thaws. No burn bans today. Plants are still dormant.  View
3/12/2025  MN-SL-388 MNSt. Louis Mildly Dry Agriculture
Water Supply & Quality
Rapid regression of snow in even minimally exposed areas exposing dry duff/soil. Multiple warm/cool cycles have been difficult for honeybee survival. Lake levels low expected levels.  View
3/12/2025  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Mildly Dry General Awareness
Sunny and 32 Hi 53 Wind SSE 5 mph. Cloudy skies later today but another above average day.  View
3/12/2025  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Sunny to mostly sunny and cool with gusty winds, then mostly clear overnight with light winds. The high temperature was around fifty eight degrees, with a low around twenty four degrees Fahrenheit. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every two days. Intermittent streams are flowing but have thick ice in areas. More songbirds here. Canadian Geese are around in larger flocks. Red-winged Blackbirds are back. Liquid manure is being spread.  View
3/12/2025  OH-AT-21 OHAthens Moderately Dry Agriculture
On areas of thin vegetation cover soil is drier than normal for this time of year. Our two perennial streams are flowing but slower and more shallow than normal for this time of year. Day time temperatures in the 70's all week. 0.25" of rain this month.  View
3/12/2025  OH-MH-26 OHMahoning Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Warm temperatures and wind the last couple of days has dried out most of the standing water as well as the moisture in the ground. Trees are beginning to show new growth. Migrating birds have been appearing. Feeders have been very busy with visitors.  View
3/12/2025  WI-FL-6 WIFlorence Mildly Wet General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Temperatures have been mild relatively speaking for this time of the year. A few days where it was in the high 50's and lower 60's. Trails are closed. Woods still has snow ground cover however, Urban areas have patchy snow piles but lots of grass exposed. Roads are great for travel. Swans, Geese, Ducks and Robins and other bird species have been spotted for bird watching. Eagles have been active as well. Deer population has held strong and a lot are around even in urban areas. Ground is thawing as well. Water from the mild temperatures of melting snow have pierced the ground as well as some sunny days. River water level has remained consistent and normal for this time of the year. I see some construction projects have started too. Window and siding replacement.  View
3/12/2025  WI-MW-123 WIMilwaukee Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Silver maple tree dripping sap. Buds breaking above. Robins, doves, ladder backs all stopping in yard to use water dish.  View
3/12/2025  CAN-BC-48 CANBritish Columbia Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Heavy rain this past weekend has dampened everything. We are on track to exceed the typical precipitation levels for March. The weather has been variable over the past 3 weeks. Temperatures have generally been seasonally normal. There has been a chill in the air at night. Winter is still in the air. Plants, shrubs, and trees remain dormant. There has been hummingbirds in the area, but no bird migration noticed yet. The local mountains have 3-4 metres of snow, skiing is still in season. There are some organized adult sports like flag football being played at local parks, rain or shine.  View
Showing 11 Records.