Hail Report Information |
Station Number: |
TN-WL-41 |
Station Name: |
Eagleville 3.9 WSW |
Date: |
4/10/2009 12:28 PM |
Submitted |
4/10/2009 12:36 PM
Taken at registered location: |
True |
Notes: |
We were just on the edge of the storm. I drove 2 miles east of our house to the top of a hill to try and spot the possible funnel cloud. Looking towards the core of the storm it was pitch black and any funnel would have been rain wrapped. I headed home when the hail started up again. This has been our second hail storm of the day. |
Hailstone Information |
Largest Size: |
NA |
Average Size: |
1/4" Pea Size |
Smallest Size: |
1/4" Pea Size |
Stone Consistency: |
White Ice |
Hail Storm Information |
Duration Minutes: |
2 |
Duration Accuracy: |
Timing: |
Intermittent |
More Rain than Hail: |
True |
Hail Started: |
Largest Hail Started: |
Same time as smaller hail |
Damage: |
no damage |
Hail pad information |
Angle of Impact: |
Number of Stones On Pad: |
Distance Between Stones On Pad: |
Depth Of Stones on Ground: |
Has Samples: |
False |